Our Projects

We collaborate with governments, donor agencies and communities, to implement health intervention programs including infectious and neglected tropical diseases, non communicable diseases and health systems projects.

National Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Buruli Ulcer Control Programme (NTBLCP)

27th February 2023 to 26th February 2024 ADRAP has been engaged to develop a bespoke multimedia driven course curriculum and content to train 3,700 health care workers on Detection of Tuberculosis cases, Tuberculosis treatment and monitoring, Tuberculosis supply chain management, Monitoring and evaluation in Tuberculosis program, Documentation, Infection control prevention in health facility Training on TB screening, Management of TB commodities, Development of training materials (in-conjunction with NTBLCP), Assessment and certification of trainees, Post training follow-up on impart of the training, Training on COVID-19 screening on same patients screened for tuberculosis, Training on TB Preventing Therapy (TPT) and Contact tracing. The course is to be hosted online and be readily available to health care workers as a self-paced online offering. Individual learner evaluation will be provided monthly and linked to program outcomes. VIEW PROJECT

National Primary Healthcare Development Agency

ADRAP was engaged by the Primary Health Care Development Agency to conduct Primary Health Care facilities assessment in the North-Eastern region of Nigeria inclusive of Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Taraba and Yobe states. The objectives were to assess PHC facilities across the thematic areas of Infrastructure, equipment, essential medicines and commodities, Human resources for health, service delivery, health management information system, ward/governance mechanisms and financial management; to identify areas of improvement for quality service delivery. The Second objective was to proffer recommendations to strengthen primary healthcare service delivery across north-east geopolitical zone. The assessment was conducted in all primary care facilities in the six states and the project has been closed.

June 2022- Present
With support from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, ADRAP is supporting NPHCDA to review and standardize all PHC RMNCAH+N training and mentoring guidelines and tools. These will be used to support State Primary Healthcare Boards in 10 BMGF states.


October 2021- February 2022
With support from GIZ, ADRAP conducted the review of the Integrated Training Manual and the development of SOPs and Job Aids to accompany it. ADRAP also facilitated the National Training of Trainers.


August 2022- September 2023
ADRAP with Funding and mandate from KNCV, Developed and deployed a qualitative, cost efficient, and easily accessible Competency Based Training (CBT) to Local Government project coordinators, volunteers & community health workers to engaged in the COVID 19 vaccine acceleration project. The project is to be rolled out in all the 7 KNCV COVAX states (Bauchi, Kaduna, Imo, Kano, Taraba, Anambra, Cross River), which are all under the KNCV TB LON regions 1 and 2.


August 2021- September 2021 ADRAP with funding and mandate from KNCV developed and deployed a competency-based training for TB surge and laboratory staff of all KNCVs supported facilities. This includes courses on TB Surge: Screening for Tuberculosis in Health Care Facilities, Introduction to Tuberculosis Laboratory Services, Special Topics in Tuberculosis Management, Tuberculosis Client Support in and Off Facilities and, Recording and Reporting Tuberculosis Services. VIEW PROJECT


June 2021- Present
ADRAP has since January 2021 been developing, deploying and hosting healthcare courses for CCFN, the courses hosted so far include A Competency Training for Viral Load Champions, A Practical Approach to Community ART Provision, Management of Advanced HIV Diseases and Treatment of Experienced Patients, Fundamentals of Monitoring and Evaluation for Facility Staff, Fundamentals and Basics of Antiretroviral Therapy, Monitoring and Evaluation Training for HIV Testing Service and, Adherence Support for PLHIV on ART.



November 2021 to December 2021
ADRAP developed, deployed, and continues to host a pediatric ART course on the management of HIV in children and Adolescents. The course includes modules on Community Approaches to Adherence Support, Challenges to Best Outcomes in Pediatric and Adolescent ART Pediatric and Adolescent ART in Nigeria and Managing Psychosocial Aspect in Pediatrics HIV. VIEW PROJECT
May 2021
In response to the need to educate HIV physician on the new Nigerian guideline for the treatment of HIV, ABBVIE gave ADRAP the mandate to develop and deploy a 5-module course. The content includes Overview & what’s New in the National Guideline, HIV diagnosis within the community, Antiretroviral Therapy in Nigeria, Co-Morbidities and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy. VIEW PROJECT
May 2020 ADRAP developed, deployed, and continues to host a HIV management short course for ABBVIE South Africa, the course includes modules that builds the capacity of HIV management physicians across Nigeria. The content includes an Overview of Antiretroviral Therapy, Antiretroviral Treatment Failure, Pre-exposure Prophylaxis, Role of Dolutegravir in HIV Medicine, Pediatric HIV and, HIV Co-Morbidities. VIEW PROJECT


October 2020 – January 2021
ADRAP, with funding from USAID through Plan International USA has completed the development and deployment of twenty modules of 6 effective water, sanitation, and hygiene services e-learning courses. These include course content on Advocacy Agenda, Resources Mobilization, Monitoring and Evaluation, Governance, Urban Wash and Gender. This course is aimed at building the capacity of Civil Society partner Organizations on effective water, sanitation, and hygiene services. The project has been completed and launched. VIEW PROJECT


March 2020 – April 2020
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to address to the obvious knowledge gaps identified amongst health workers; ADRAP was given the mandate to adapt and deploy COVID-19 learning resources to address gaps in Infection prevention and control, Case management, surveillance, laboratory and coordination. This was done with support and collaboration with Pro-Health International, Nigeria Centre for Diseases Control and US Centre for Diseases Control and Prevention.


September 2022 to January 2023
The Regional Diseases Surveillance System Enhancement Project through the NCDC engaged ADRAP to adapt and adopt the physical Rapid response team training modules to online format, the course will be available to frontline health care workers across the country.


  1. Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR)
  2. Infant Mortality Rate
  3. Neonatal mortality rate (NMR)
  4. Perinatal Mortality rate (PNMR)
  5. Percentage of Skilled Birth Attendants present during deliveries.
  6. Percentage of Completed Antenatal Care (At least 8 visits)
  7. Use of Uterotonics during delivery
  8. Number of New Acceptors of Modern Family Planning Methods
  9. Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR)
  10. Percentage of Women of Reproductive Age with Unmet need for Family Planning
  11. Percentage of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) practice for newborns with Low Birth Weight
  12. Percentage of asphyxiated Newborns resuscitated.
  13. Percentage of Women who received Post-natal Care within 3 days of delivery.

Other indicators include:

  1. Birth Registration
  2. Number of Women of Reproductive Age using Modern Contraceptives
  3. Percentage of Pregnant Women that receive at least 3 doses of IPTP (IPTP3)
  4. Percentage of confirmed uncomplicated Malaria given ACT
  5. New fistula cases (out of deliveries)
  6. Total Livebirths
  7. Percentage of Newborns who received Thermal Care
  8. Percentage of new Pneumonia cases <5 years given antibiotics
  9. Percentage of new Diarrhoea cases < 5 years given ORS and Zinc
  10. BCG Coverage
  11. Penta3 Coverage
  12. Percentage of Fully Immunized Infants
  13. Health Facilities with Vaccine Stockout
  14. Percentage of Exclusive Breastfeeding (0-5 Months)
  15. Percentage of Children Under-5 receiving growth monitoring

The Reproductive Health Program, which operates under the Public Health Department of the Delta State Ministry of Health, addresses all matters relating to the Reproductive Health System, its functions, and processes. Its aims to ensure every woman, and man achieves their Reproductive Health goal by ensuring access to Reproductive Services, Health Information and Education. It is responsible for implementing policies, measures, and strategies related to Reproductive Health and Family Planning. In addition, the program tracks and monitors the relevant indicators across all 25 Local Government Areas of the State.